A World without Social Media. By Erick Navarro.

Giving up on social media would give more advantages than disadvantages. At this point,
everyone is just so connected that it won't only bring benefits to me. It'll bring benefits to
probably almost everyone who gives up on them, People will be less superficial, Peer-to-peer
socializing will increase, probably less anxiety and less stress from feeling the need to
demonstrate having a perfect life. 

It'll be difficult in places where you can't go too far without social media, like places with an 
ongoing war and with curfews, and what most people will miss the most is the ease of finding new people, new places, and how you communicate pretty much all of the world from the palm of your hand. ´

Having to worry about being trendy or what people may think of you when they see your profile it's something that most people won't miss after
quitting social media. Most people would be able to manage a life without social media for a
month probably. 

To be honest, social media is almost a must-have for the times we run
nowadays and impossible to just leave it for good.

High-Volume Music: Finding the Right Balance. By Erick Navarro

Listening to music at high volumes can be super fun and exciting. It makes the music sound
more powerful and intense, and it's a great way to get energized. 

For example, when I'm doing chores, I like to listen to music at a high volume to help me stay
 focused. It also helps me to block out any distractions and just focus on the music and
 my activity. Plus is just more enjoyable to listen to music when it's loud – it feels like the music is really coming alive.

Listening to music at high volumes for long periods can be really bad for your ears. It can
cause permanent damage and even cause hearing loss. This is especially true if you're
listening to music with loud bass or if you're using earbuds or headphones that don't fit you.
Also, listening to music at high volumes can be overwhelming and stressful, and it can make it
hard to relax if that’s what you want to do.

 It's better to listen to music at a moderate volume and take breaks to give your ears a rest.

Fast Fashion. By Erick Navarro

Fast fashion is a worldwide environmental problem, in Mexico it isn’t as big of an issue because

the country´s economy doesn’t allow us to massively buy and throw away pounds of clothes

every month but is a very important issue in more developed countries where economic stability

allows people to buy a lot of clothing for cheap and because of its bad textile quality it just ends

up breaking after the 3rd wear if not before, this kind of clothing isn’t suitable for thrifting so

there’s also the concern that someday thrift stores will have to shut down since all clothes are

disposable and nothing or very little clothes end up on the 2nd hand market

These useless piles of cheap plastic clothes end up burned in poor European countries and end up

being used as a combustion material to warm people up from the shivering cold, inhaling burnt

plastic is not good for the lungs so this also may impose a health issue and in the future people

who breathed burn fabric for a long time will have health repercussions just as inhaling

burnt carbon for a long time did to people in the past centuries.

My Favorite Film Location. By Sebastian Mothelet.

 Truthfully, I don’t really enjoy movies (mostly because of pacing) and tend to watch short series instead. But there are definitely a couple of movies that I’ve enjoyed. If I had to choose my top 2 movies. It would probably be: Everything Everywhere All at Once and Coraline.
      In no particular order, I'm going to start with Coraline. It’s a movie I have deep admiration for, and it gives me nostalgia that no other movie can compete with. This movie took a very long time to make and if you’re looking for details you’ll see why. It’s a Claymation stop-motion movie, so while there’s not a location per se, I would love to go to the set of Coraline and just look around in awe (Although I’m worried many set pieces have been sold or thrown out).
      Everything Everywhere All at Once or EEAAO
 is another movie that I have a lot of love for, even if I watched it pretty recently (last year). It tackles both sides of Nihilism, positive and negative. Honestly it really impacted me and changed how I take my day to day. I have an even deeper respect for it knowing it was made from a small team with not much funding. There are many locations in the movie but if I had to choose one, I’d probably want to go to the “bagel location”


La Bici Ruta. By Erick Navarro.

People go to la Bici Ruta to hang out on their bicycles, most people go because it's their only place

where they can exercise on their bike safely without the risk of getting run over.

It started in 2006, Meridan authorities put effort into leading the bike traffic, it occurs every

Sunday mornings and starts at 8:00 am until 12:30, bikes are available for rent but if you bring

your own bike the event is totally free.

Bici Ruta is a well-supervised zone with all kinds of people can come and enjoy time outside, it is

fun because they always have nice music, they have bathroom stalls, food stands, and iconic

restaurants to go brunch with your friends and eat the unique Yucatecan food.

My Covering Email. By Erick Navarro

 Dear _____, I´m writing in response to your employment ad for tech support and I wish to apply

for the job.

I´m a fourteen-year-old middle school student who´s looking for summer jobs, I have been

passionate about computers since I was 6 years old, I don’t play on studying something related

to computers but I consider myself skilled enough for this job, I’m hoping to gain as much

experience as possible.

I have considerable experience with computers because of my experience, during all these years

I’ve got accustomed to different kinds of operating systems, and I’ve also managed to troubleshoot a

lot of software-based issues and simple repairing tasks.

I would be delighted to attend at your convenience and have sent my CV for your


Please don’t hesitate to contact me,

Erick Navarro Soto


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